- I keep plugging away. 坚持不懈。
- You've got to keep plugging away if you want to be a great writer. 如果你想成为一名伟大的作家,那你就得孜孜不倦地学习。
- The soldiers kept plugging away at the enemies. 战士们连续不断地向敌人射击。
- Gridiron heroes and coed sleuth keep plugging away as Dancing outpaces rivals. “橄榄球壮士”和“美少女侦探”坚持不懈,“明星热舞”超越对手。
- They kept plugging away at their job day and night. 他们日以继夜地干着。
- She keeps plugging away at her dissertation. 她一直坚持不懈地写论文。
- He keeps plugging away at French . 他一直在拼命地学法语。
- She keeps plugging away at French. 她一直在拼命地学法语。
- He keeps plugging away at French. 他一直在拚命地学法语。
- Sakai: Up until now, it's always seemed that if I just go with the flow, things will work out in their own way... so I have no choice but to just keep plugging away like I always have. 坂井:直到现在,如果只是跟着感觉走,事情总是按照本身的节奏任意发展着。。。所以我别无选择,只能象一直以来的一样埋头工作。
- I keep companionship with my old friends. 我与老朋友始终保持着友谊。
- I keep replacing the plug but it won't stay in. 我一再把头进去,但它很快就松落了。
- I keep meeting him at every turn. 我每次都遇见他。
- I keep my paint-brushes in old jam jars. 我把画笔存放在旧果酱瓶里。
- I keep my money in a savings bank. 我的钱存在一家储蓄银行里。
- He was plugging away at his work. 他正在埋头苦干。
- How can I keep a family on such a miserable wage? 我怎么能靠这少得可怜的工资养家?
- He keeps plugging away at French 他一直在拚命地学法语。
- I keep a warm coat at work in case it suddenly turns cold. 上班时我总带件温暖的上衣,以防天气突然变冷。
- She's been plugging away at her French lessons for months. 她已刻苦攻读法语数月。